Hey Guys!~
Marleigh here!Well...IM GOING ON TOUR TOMMAROW!I cant wait!We checked out the bus today and GUESS WHAT!They have WiFi in the bus! That means I can go on the forums and more!AAAHHH!!And Sorry that the OF isnt open yet!There working so hard on it!Anyways,The bus is awesome!It has Enough room for my Family and My band!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wow!And Guess what!?I cut my hair Shoulder length!Wow?I know and Its awesome!New pics soon!Im taking my groupee, Kaylee.She is my BFF and so cute!We are getting up at 5 AM.And leaving for Phoenix!Then L.A!!AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!Im so excited!Were going halfway around the US and it keeps getting better and better!They printed a new schedule and now were going to NYC!!!!!HOLY MOSES! Thats awesome.Can you say..SHOPPING!??Ok so as a Conngrads gift my Dad is getting me a Sidekick!yayme!!Its old but what ev! LOL HAHA!My dad says that while were in NY we can get some cyrstals!from NYC Peach!lol I wont ruin my Sidekick!Im so excited If I dont want to Jump out of my cubby during the night to get the Laptop and wake everyone I can just get my cute little sidekick!!Its suposed to get here by friday.Or maybe tommarow or Thursday...secretly I want it to come tommarow (wednesday) but I dont wanna Screw up Karma and Blurt like "HEY DAD!I BET MY SIDEKICKS COMING TOMMAROW!!", LOL!Anyways I probably screwed up the big K by just typing that!LOL my sis mad one of those counters that you wrap in little rings then when another day passes you Rip it off and Go 4 days till ____________ and well u know!And thats what were doing cause she's getting a Juicy Couture Sidekick *Growls toward Brittnee* LOL shes like what!?LOL LOL LOL!LOL anyways now were like 2 DAYS TILL SIDEKICKS!LOL! LOL every time its 12 AM we do that! It really makes you feel better!Cause today me and Brittnee were watching Rockstar on CBS..LOL..and we saw this commercial thats all like,
LIFE TAKES PATIENCE, And Brittnee's like "Whhat ev!" And we just looked at each other and omg.We couldnt stop laughing.haha!You'll understand why soon!LOL And now me and brit have this nasty little obsession to search pics of Sidekicks and stuff!LOL its hystaricle I caught her and she caught me...but c'mon!2 DAYS TILL SIDEKICKS!!ITS ONLY FA_EER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!